Is there some change you would like to see in your life? Are you in need of a healing, physically or emotionally? Have you ever considered God’s promises of healing, change and deliverance to you?
God is good, and His promises to you and me are spiritual laws: His spiritual laws. He has provided Himself through His laws from the beginning of time, and so shall it be for ever.
Many are the promises of God in the Bible; here are just a few: We have a mighty promise at Jeremiah 29:11-14; His Word tells us that though we may be in sorrow and weeping for a night, yet joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5); His word is yea and Amen, meaning “surely” (2 Cor. 1:20, 7:1); He offers us comfort in His presence (Isaiah 43:2); He promises answers to our prayers (Isaiah 41:17); He is able to perform for you and me (Romans 4:21), and He has given us power to tread over evil forces (Luke 10:19).
Many of us know that spiritual song “Standing on the Promises of God and though we might say we are doing it, yet there might be something more we can do as we await the fulfillment of those promises. Many times we say things glibly, thinking we are alright with the principle yet, when put to the test we might be seriously lacking.
Here are five practical tips that can help you assess how you are standing on God’s promises:
1…Stand on God’s promises by being aware of His promises in His Word. Search the Bible for them. Read them and pray through those promises, making them your very own.
2…Stand on God’s promises by praising Him for them, and knowing that God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). The Bible says: “His word is true from the beginning (Psalm 119:160) and His word is sure.
3…Stand on God’s promises by being aware of His promises fulfilled to His saints in the Old and New Covenants, and in the lives of other people you know, also the promises He has fulfilled in your life in the past. Know that what He has done for others He will do for you.
4…Stand on God’s promises by remembering a time when He came through for you in the past and be thankful again for that, asking Him to reveal Himself to you in your present concern, and thank Him for that as well.
5…Stand on God’s promises by being patient as you pray, watch and wait for His hand to perform in your life experience today. Maintain a focus on those promises and do not speak contrary to what you are seeking from God.
May the Lord richly bless you with His peace, love and harmony for ever.