“O how I love thy law! It is my meditation all the day…I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation” (Psalm 119:97-99).
In the above Scripture, the psalmist tells of a spiritual exercise that can be beneficial to us all. He tells of his love for the Word of God, meditating in it all day, and tells of the fruitage of his meditative practices: he has more understanding than all his teachers.
This gives us some insight into the virtue of meditation or spending quiet moments with God.
In the text, that little word “for” is the same as saying “because.” And the word “testimonies” speak of God’s affirmation of His existence and power through the wondrous works He has wrought in the universe, and in the lives of His people. This reading also indicates that the psalmist had a direct revelation from God: Spirit to spirit.
Meditation in the Word is the practice of keeping the Word of God and its spiritual principle stayed in the mind. And in the Scriptures, the words “meditation,” “musing,” “contemplation,” “consider,” and “ponder” all basically have the same meaning: to keep a spiritual principle or Scripture continuously in thought.
Many individuals have found sanctuary for their souls by meditating in the Scriptures. However, in the hustle and bustle of our everyday living, how can we create quiet moments with God and discover their richness and value? We can do this by deliberately setting aside quality time on a regular basis for meditation on the Word and works of God, or on the finer issues in life, for example: who we are, why we are here, and where we are heading. This practice can be spiritually fulfilling.
The practice of meditation helps to bring a deeper sense of connectedness with God and serves as a bridge to bring out the richness of our interior life into our outer experiences in daily living.
Spending quiet moments in meditation on God’s Word and works is an excellent way to begin and end our day, and God often speaks to us through them. This practice will help you hear the “still, small voice” from within, giving you direction and counsel because it is in quietness of soul that the inner voice arises and makes itself heard.
You can begin the practice of meditation on Scriptures and their principles today. This practice helps you see the bigger picture of your life and affairs, and life in general. And as wisdom unfolds, before long you will be able to say like David: “I have more understanding than all my teachers…”
1… Find a quiet place to meditate and plan to spend at least 15 minutes for this quiet time with God. Mornings and late evenings are excellent times.
2… Begin your meditation time in prayer to the Spirit of God, asking for His manifest presence and that He would speak to you through the Scriptures. Choose either a passage of Scripture or ask Him to direct you to what He wants you to read.
3…Read it audibly, then silently and contemplatively, expecting God=s presence and communication to be with you. As you silently read, allow the words and their ideas to sink into your soul. Listen contemplatively as your read, and watch what impressions, thoughts and memories come to mind. Write your insights in your journal.
4…Further, sit in silence, eyes closed, and reflect on what you have read, asking the Spirit of God questions like these: “Lord what does this mean?” “What are you saying to me?” A wonderful Scripture that is appropriate to this practice is found at 1 Samuel 3:9, which says: “Speak Lord for thy servant heareth.”
5…Finish your meditation with a prayer of thanks to God for blessings He has given and will continue to give. And as you go about your daily duties, speak the words of your meditation silently in the quietness of your soul, asking the Spirit of God to reveal to you His wisdom and truth.
6…Thank God Almighty for His wisdom, His grace, His presence and His blessings.
7…Personalize that Scripture and treat it as your portion from above for the day. A daily practice of meditation in the Word will not fail to bless you with peace, love, harmony, guidance and direction.
A Meditation on Psalm 23
Read Psalm 23 according to point number 3 above and consider the divine providence of the Lord. You will find this psalm is filled with powerful imagery relating to the Lord’s providence, both spiritual and material. As your thoughts dwell continuously on this Scripture, be open and receptive to what the Spirit of the Lord will reveal to you. What insights come to your mind?
Consider the imageries of the Lord as “your Shepherd,” “still waters,” “green pastures,” “restoration of soul,” and “rod and staff.” What are these ideas saying to you about the Lord as your Shepherd and about your personal life? Write them in journal. In your journal, also write ten effects in your life that reflect the Lord as your personal Shepherd and Provider.
“Heavenly Father, let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, this day and always. Amen.”