At this time, are you facing issues that resemble the giant, Goliath? Issues that seem bigger and stronger than you and determined to bring you down? When dealing with your daily adversaries, in your need for inner strength, confidence and inspiration, consider this story of David conquering Goliath in a battle in ancient Israel.
David went into battle with Goliath carrying a peculiar ammunition: five smooth stones taken from a brook and a sling, but besides the stones and sling, and David’s strength and skill, he had access to a more potent weapon, namely, confidence in himself. However, there was a strong foundation for David’s confidence.
David’s strength and skill were dependent on the promise of the Lord of hosts to fight Israel’s battles with the surrounding nations. Knowing God’s promise, David relied on the Lord as his Source to overcome the enemy.
It was common knowledge to the ancient Israelites (and should be the same for us, today) that the Lord of hosts would fight for His people, so when David confronted Goliath, someone much bigger and seemingly stronger than he, he went, not in his own name or strength but in that of the Lord’s: a power higher than himself, and yielded up the entire battle with Goliath to Him.
David’s conviction was a known fact and his victory was assured. A strong confidence is built on knowledge, not merely on hope or mental assent to something we hear.
Confidence built only on hope tends to be weak and its effects can be disappointing, but when we stake a claim on the promises, will and power of God, it builds in us a deep assurance that He will fulfill our needs, fight our battles and satisfy our desires as promised.
Thou comest to me with a sword and with a spear…but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts (1 Samuel 17:45).
Like David, we are all in warfare of some kind and we can learn from his attitude in his battle with Goliath. The Scriptures tell us that “we are more than conquerors and our weapons in warfare are not earthy but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.”
Develop an inner quietness and confidence in the name of the Lord of hosts for winning your battles. Isaiah, the prophet wrote: “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” According to the degree of your inner, quiet determination for victory and confidence in the Lord, you will have strength and confidence in yourself to face all goliaths.
That inner quietness and confidence will grow by knowing the Lord of hosts as your Conqueror and knowing that in Him you live and move and have your being. This can only become an actuality by living in tune with His Spirit: i.e., in covenant-relationship with Him.
Confidence is a necessary fuel for our sense of well-being and positive progress in this life and we can, and ought to build it. Build yourself a strong confidence by nurturing the thought that the Lord is on your side and will fight your battles for you.
Meditate on the promises of God and accept them as truth
Meditate on the promises of God and accept them as truth, thus feeding your inward being. Speak the truth and power of God over your entire life, then live with the full conviction that “all things work together for good to them that love God” and go forward. Weakness will turn into strength and infirmity into skill.
Walter D. Wintle, a popular poet, must have been inspired by Philippians 4:13 when he wrote this timeless rubric, titled: “I can…”
“If you think you are beaten, you are…If you think you dare not, you don’t…If you’d like to win, but think you can’t…It’s almost a cinch you won’t…Life’s battles don’t always go…To the stronger or faster man…But soon or late the man who wins…Is the man who thinks he can!”
Let your confidence be that “you can…” but build your confidence, like David, only out of a covenant relationship with the Lord of hosts for your victory.
In summary: Develop a deep inner knowing that things will turn out right for you, regardless of whatever difficulties are in the way. It is a way of living that does not harbor fear of what lies ahead but is a vehicle to take us through our experiences from good, through better and on to the best!
Suggested Readings: Psalm 20:6-7, 118:9, Psalm 23:4, Psalm 27:3-4, Psalm 46:1-3, Isaiah 12:2, 30:15, Jeremiah 17:7-8, 2 Corinthians 10:4, Hebrews 10:35.
Reflection: God is the Source of my strength. He is all I need for all my needs.
Prayer: “Thank you, Lord, for your confidence and strength in me. Some trust in horses and some trust in chariots but I trust in the power of your name. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”
Dr. Monica Hernandez is a certified Christian counsellor and hosts the radio broadcast The Revealing Word heard on JOY 1250 AM, every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. You can also listen in at