In the hustle and bustle of this life, how can we create quiet moments and discover their richness and value?
We could do this by deliberately setting aside quality time on a regular basis for meditation or musing on the Word and works of God or musing on the finer issues in life, for example: who you are, why you are here, where you are heading (Psalm 8).
“I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands” (Psalm 143:5).
In the above reading, the Psalmist tells of a spiritual practice that could be beneficial to us all. Meditating and musing must have been habitual to David for at Psalm 119:99, he tells that he understands more than his teachers and gives us the reason for that.
He says: “…for thy testimonies are my meditation.”
This shows us the value of quiet moments in meditation on God and His works. And that little word “for” is the same as saying “because.”
The word “testimonies” speak of God’s affirmation of His existence and power through the wondrous works He has wrought.
That reading also shows that David did not depend on his teachers for wisdom and understanding but had direct communication with God, Spirit to spirit.
Because of indifference and a lack of understanding, often, the value of quiet moments are underestimated.
We live so much in constant awareness of the cares and clamour of this world that we are liable to miss out on the emotional healing, discernment, guidance and direction that quiet moments in meditation on God and His works can bring.
Through the practice of meditation In the Scriptures, many of us have found sanctuary for our souls .
It is good to read the Scriptures, but no matter how much we read them and recognize their truths, it is when we take those truths into deliberate quietness and contemplation that they really settle into our hearts.
They the Scriptures begin to work in a special way in the depths of our souls and bring peace, healing and spiritual freedom.
What is meditation? To meditate means to keep an idea continually in thought. And in the Bible, the words “musing,” “contemplation,” “consider,” “ponder” and “meditation” all basically mean the same thing.
These words, from a biblical perspective all mean “to keep a spiritual principle or Scripture continuously in thought” and speaking them often.
When we dwell continually in thought on any Scripture and the principles it represents, those truths become engrafted in our inner being; they enlighten us and we can then better apply those principles into our daily living.
As we press deeper into meditation on Scriptures and their divine ideas, inspiration flows into our understanding and out like “rivers of living water” into our lives and surroundings, making life beneficial not only for us but for others and our environment.
Spending quiet moments in meditation on Scripture is an excellent way to begin and end our day, and God often speaks to us through them.
Quiet moments in meditation on Scriptures help us to “hide the Word in our hearts.” By a willful act, the Psalmist claimed the virtue of the Word as his very own and sowed its truth into his being (Psalm 119:11). We can do the same.
This practice is simple and rewarding. It brings us understanding and we quickly see the transformation this practice brings. Some people call this “practicing the presence of God.”
Meditation in the Scriptures and the principles they represent serve as a bridge to bring out the richness of the inner life into our outer experience of daily living. This practice will help you hear the still, small voice from within, giving you direction and counsel because it is in quietness of soul that that voice arises and makes itself heard.
You can begin the practice of meditation on Scriptures and their principles today. How? Begin by reading a Scripture, audibly and silently, giving much thought to what we read, and Psalm 23 is an excellent place to start.
Speak those words often to yourself in the quietness of your soul, asking God to reveal to you His wisdom and truth through the principles those rubrics represent. God will not fail to bless you with illumination and truth.
In summary: Meditation in the Word and divine principles will also help you see the big picture of your life and events taking place around us. And as wisdom unfolds, before long you will be able to say like David: “I have more understanding than all my teachers…”
Suggested Readings: Psalm 1:2, Psalm
19:14, Psalm 63:6, Psalm 104:34, Psalm 119:148, Psalm 143:5, Psalm 119:97.
Reflection: As my thoughts dwell continually on the works of God and His Word, I am open and receptive to His divine truth.
Prayer: “Lord, let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight. Amen.”
Dr. Monica Hernandez is a certified Christian counsellor and hosts the radio broadcast The Revealing Word heard on JOY 1250 AM every Sunday morning at 8:30. You can also listen in at